Australia's Parliament ratified long-awaited Free Trade Agreements with the United Kingdom and India this week.
These agreements include important visa changes for passport holders of these countries. The ratifications are a significant milestone, however the changes have not yet come into effect.
Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement
The agreement raises the age limit for British nationals applying for their first Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa to 35 years (currently 30). In addition, the specified/regional work requirement of second and third WHV will be removed.
British applicants for subclass 482 and 494 visas and their sponsors will be exempted from the Labour Market Testing criterion. This means that in some circumstances, sponsors will not be required to advertise a position before nominating a UK passport holder for a 482/494 visa.
Australia-India Free Trade Agreement
Australia will provide new access for young Indians to participate in working holidays in Australia. Places will be set at 1,000 per year under the Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa.
The Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa period for Indian graduates with an Australian bachelor’s degree with first class honours will be extended from two to three years in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) and information and communications technology (ICT) sectors.
Exemptions from the Labour Market Testing criterion of subclass 494 and 482 visas will be made available for Indian nationals.
When will the changes come into effect?
The FTAs must be ratified by the parliaments of the respective partner country before they are operational. India and the UK are yet to do this. The commencement of operation of the agreements will be notified at a later date.
Some changes will occur immediately once the FTAs come into effect. This is the case with the Labour Market Testing exemptions.
Other changes will take time to legislate. For example, the addition of Indians to the Working Holiday Maker program is due to occur within two years from the FTA coming into effect.
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Elan Rysher is a Registered Migration Agent and Qualified Student Counsellor. He is the main Writer for ImmiUpdates and the founder of Rysher Migration. Elan has many years of experience working in immigration, finance and health. Being a former migrant himself, Elan is passionate about helping others fulfil their Australian dream.
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