From 9 August 2021, VETASSESS will provide new fillable forms for applicants in some professional occupations, enabling them to present their portfolio of work in an easier and more concise way.

Applicants in the following occupations will download and fill in the editable form, then log on to the online application portal to upload it as part of the documentation requirements.
The forms will be used to support Skills Assessment applications in these occupations:
149311 Conference and Event Organiser
225211 ICT Account Manager
225212 ICT Business Development Manager
225213 ICT Sales Representative
225411 Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
225412 Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
225499 Technical Sales Representatives nec
121311 Apiarist 121312 Beef Cattle Farmer
121313 Dairy Cattle Farmer
121316 Horse Breeder
121317 Mixed Livestock Farmer
121318 Pig Farmer
121321 Poultry Farmer
121322 Sheep Farmer
121399 Livestock Farmers nec
121111 Aquaculture Farmer
121211 Cotton Grower
121212 Flower Grower
121213 Fruit or Nut Grower
121214 Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower
121215 Grape Grower
121216 Mixed Crop Farmer
121217 Sugar Cane Grower
121221 Vegetable Grower
121299 Crop Farmers nec
121411 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer
Designers and Draftspersons in the following occupations should provide a link to their portfolio or upload samples of their design work, of no more than 5MB per file:
211311 Photographer
232411 Graphic Designer
232412 Illustrator
232413 Multimedia Designer
232414 Web Designer
232311 Fashion Designer
232312 Industrial Designer
232313 Jewellery Designer
232511 Interior Designer
312111 Architectural Draftsperson
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
232112 Landscape Architect
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Elan Rysher is a Registered Migration Agent and Qualified Student Counsellor. He is the main Writer for ImmiUpdates and the founder of Rysher Migration. Elan has many years of experience working in immigration, finance and health. Being a former migrant himself, Elan is passionate about helping others fulfil their Australian dream.
Information (or the lack of it) contained in ImmiUpdates should not be relied on as immigration assistance or advice. ImmiUpdates expressly disclaim any liability, arising at law, in equity or otherwise, for any information published or not published in past, the present or future editions of the blog. People seeking immigration assistance should seek advice from a registered migration agent and those seeking legal advice should consult a lawyer. The copyright in the newsletter belongs to Rysher Migration Services and no part of the blog is to be reproduced by any means without the written consent of Rysher Migration Services.