From April 23, VETASSESS will implement a number of changes to its trades skills assessment application process.

Changes in how applications are lodged
When you apply for a skills assessment, VETASSESS will review the information and documents you provided to ensure there is enough evidence for the assessment.
Once VETASSESS has confirmed the application is ‘assessment ready’, it will accept the application and advise how to pay the assessment fee.
The change means applicants will only have to pay for an assessment once VETASSESS has confirmed that it is ‘assessment ready’.
Reopening new applications in some paused occupations
On April 23 VETASSESS will resume accepting new applications for three trade occupations:
- Cook, ANZSCO Code 351411
- Diesel Motor Mechanic, ANZSCO Code 321212
- Motor Mechanic (General), ANZSCO Code 321211
VETASSESS paused new applications in September 2023 so it could focus on processing current cases, and it is reopening these occupations following discussions with Trades Recognition Australia (TRA).
New applications remain paused for the following occupations:
- Chef, ANZSCO Code 351311
- Fitter (General), ANZSCO Code 323211
-Electrician (General), ANZSCO Code 341111
- Metal Machinist (First Class), ANZSCO Code 323214.
VETASSESS hopes to have further news on these next month.
This applies to Pathway 1 and Pathway 2 applications under OSAP and TSS programs.
Changes for Pathway 1 trade applications
Changes for Pathway 1 trade applications
VETASSESS is also changing the assessment process for Pathway 1 applications for all trades, except Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic, Electrician (General), Electrician (Special Class) and Plumber (General).
Stage 2 of the assessment process will now involve three steps:
1. Video evidence
When submitting a Stage 2 application, the applicant will need to provide a selection of videos demonstrating their trade skills. You can find the instructions about what types of skills to capture in the videos and how to record them in the updated Video Guide for the nominated occupation that will be available on 23 April.
The assessor will review the videos and will ask the applicant to resubmit them if they do not meet the requirements.
This change means that applicants will no longer need to supply photographic evidence, unless requested by the assessor.
2. Australian Industry Standards Online Assessment
The applicant will need to complete a short online course about Australian industry standards relevant to their trade. At the end of the course, they will need to complete an assessment of their understanding of these standards.
The applicant will have seven days to complete the assessment and can repeat the modules if required.
The applicant will receive an email with a username and password for the online course once their Stage 2 application has been accepted and payment confirmed.
3. Technical Interview
Once the online assessment is successfully completed and video evidence requirements are met, VETASSESS will be able to book the applicant's technical interview.
The interview will be conducted either over the internet or face to face at one of VETASSESS's assessment venues. It will take about two hours.
Practical assessments in India for Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics need to complete a practical assessment, as this is a licensed occupation in Australia.
Applicants who are based in India can undertake the assessment at VETASSESS's testing centre in New Delhi.
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Elan Rysher is a Registered Migration Agent and Qualified Student Counsellor. He is the main Writer for ImmiUpdates and the founder of Rysher Migration. Being a former migrant himself, Elan is passionate about helping others fulfil their Australian dream.
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