The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO) was created in 1993 as a statistical tool to monitor the state of the economy and population. At some point, it was borrowed for migration purposes, forming the basis for Australia's skilled migration program.

Nowadays visa applications rise and fall by ANZSCO. Many argue it is outdated and ineffective for migration purposes. In an effort to solve some of these issues, a major shakeup of ANZSCO's occupations is now underway.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is working with several Australian Government Agencies to progress a targeted update of the ANZSCO.
The consultation stage of the ANZSCO's review has progressed well. A phased approach is being taken in line priority occupations identified as most urgent. These comprise occupations associated with:
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
cyber security
naval ship building
The targeted update of these priority occupations will be undertaken during 2021. Other priority areas, such as selected occupations associated with engineering and construction and health will be reviewed using the new approach during 2021-22.
A new approach to updating the ANZSCO will be developed, allowing for greater flexibility and reflect rapid changes in the labour market. More detailed information outlining the scope of this program of work, key deliverables and timeframes will be released in the coming weeks.
Updating the ANZSCO is one of the interim recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Migration. The Committee is conducting an inquiry into Australia's skilled migration program and whether it is meeting its objectives.
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Elan Rysher is a Registered Migration Agent and Qualified Student Counsellor. He is the main Writer for ImmiUpdates and the founder of Rysher Migration. Elan has many years of experience working in immigration, finance and health. Being a former migrant himself, Elan is passionate about helping others fulfil their Australian dream.
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